Robotics & Perception/Basic

Robotics Planning 기초 벼락공부

이 글은 필자의 기본기 재확인을 위해 로보틱스 기초를 키워드 별로 정리한 글입니다. 


  • Robot manipulator --multiple link and joints
    • Link: length (signed distance from joint i-1 to i), twist (angle from joint i-1 to i), force (linear motion) and torque (rotational motion)
    • Joint -description differ by joint types
  • Planning: Given an initial state, goal and model, finding a sequence of actions to achieve a goal.
    • Planning focuses on improving computational-efficiency
    • It requires two different kinds of reasoning
      • 1. Task planning -task-level choices
      • 2. Motion planning -motion-level choices

What topics

  1. Robot kinematics problem
    • How to describe position and orientation of the manipulator's end-effector relative to the base of the manipulator, given the function of the joint variables? 
      • Forward kinematics: Using frame, compute the end effector's trasform wrt the base
    • How to describe the joint variables, given the end-effector's position and orientation?
      • Inverse kinematics: Closed form solutions (Algebraic / Geometric), Numerical solutions (time consuming)
        • Multiple solutions may exist. Typically choose the one that is closest to the current joint angle/avoid collision.
  2. Robot dynamics  problem 
    • When the joints move at certain force and torque, what the velocity of the end-effector is?; Predicting how a robot will move in responseto applied force
      • Forward dynamics 
    • When the robot motion/trajectory is given, what is the forces and torques required at the robot's joints?
      • Inverse dynamics; Most of the manipulators have joint angles at which Jacobian becomes singular, which makes the problem harder.
  3. Task and motion planning
    • Sampling based motion planning --RRT
    • Task planning --PDDLStream


  1. How to compute DoF
  2. moment of inertia?