AI, Deep Learning Basics/Methodology

    [Generative Model] Latent Variable model

    이 글은 Generative model 에 대한 필자의 이해를 높이고자 작성된 글입니다. 참고자료는 자료1 입니다. Latent variable model(LVM) defines a distribution over observation $x$ by using a (vector) latent variable $z$(: as an explanation for the observation)and specifying: The prior distribution $p(z)$ for the latent variable The likelihood $p(x|z)$ that connects the latent variable to the observation The joint distribution $p(x, z) = p..

    (작성중) [Generative Model] Generative Adversarial Networks(GAN)

    이 글은 GAN에 대한 필자의 이해를 높이고자 작성된 글입니다. 참고자료는 자료1 입니다. Concept of Generative Adversarial Networks(GAN) field of(Generative model-latent variable model), A neural net that maps noise vectors to observations Training: use the learning signal from a classifier trained to discriminate between samples from the model and the training data Pros Can generative very realistic images Conceptually simple imple..


    🐶 용어 정리 Prediction, Confidence, Probability 🐶Why uncertainty is important? Status Before: using the prediction Now: using prediction, uncertainty Purpose Uncertainty inherent in inductive inference Incorrect model assumptions noisy or imprecise data “... a weather forecaster can be very certain that the chance of rain is 50 %; or her best estimate at 20 % might be very uncertain due to lack of d..