[Takeaways] Robot Brains Podcast S3 E20: Jitendra Malik on Building AI from the ground up: Sensorimotor learning before language
Notes after checking the impressing interview: https://youtu.be/k_Wrd1kI1B0?si=QIqUl3Qrcx7y1FEs These are my personal thoughts. [Grounding LLM] is open to being proven incorrect. According to the brain development, words are identified later. I actually agree with this. This implies [corporating control with LLM] is the key, now this area is kinda hot. Instead, brain development starts with the ..
[CS294 Pieter Abbeel] 1. Intro
이 글은 필자가 Pieter Abbeel 의 Deep Unsupervised Learning 2020을 듣고 정리한 글입니다. This lecture shares what is the goal, pursuit of deep unsupervised learning By Deep Unsupervised Learning, Capture rich patterns in raw data with deep networks in a label-free way → But how? Recreate raw data distribution → Generative models "Puzzle" tasks that require semantic understanding → Self-supervised Learning With Pu..