[Writing for CS] 6. Good Style
Text should be taut. Every sentence should be necessary. Tone One topic per section Have one idea per sentence or paragraph Use short sentences with simple structure. Use an example whenever it adds clarification. Each example should be an illustration of one concept; if you don't know what an example is illustrating, change it. A common error is to include material such as definitions or theore..
[Writing for CS] Contents
이 글은 필자가 Justin Zobel의 Writing for Computer Science를 읽고 정리한 글입니다. 필자의 writing skill을 향상하기 위한 독서로, 부족한 부분 및 필수로 확인해야 하는 모음을 모아놓았습니다. Contents Chapter 6. Good Style Chapter 7. Style Specifics Chapter 8. Punctuation Chapter 9. Mathematics Chapter 10. Algorithms Chapter 11. Graphs, Figures, and Tables