Robotics & Perception/Multi-task Learning & Meta-learning

[CS330] 01. Course Introduction

Their point of view of why multi-task learning and meta-learning are important

  • Robots can teach us things about intelligence.
    • Faced with the real world
    • Must generalize across tasks, objects, environments, etc
    • Need some common sense understanding to do well
    • Supervision can't be taken for granted
  • Specialists vs. Generalists
    • Specialist: Learn one task in one environment, starting from scratch using detailed supervision -> Impractical to learn from scratch for each disease, each robot, each person, each language, each task
    • Humans are generalists
  • We want
    • a more general-purpose AI system
    • when we don't have  a large dataset
    • need to quickly learn something new


Different tasks can vary based on: different objects, different people, different objectives, etc.

Not just different "tasks". There are many tasks with shared structure!

  • The law of physics underly real data
  • People are all organisms with intentions
  • The rules of English underly English language data
  • Languages all develop for similar purposes

More formally, a task can be described as this format: $\mathcal{T}_i  \equiv \{p_i(\textbf{x}), p_i (\textbf{y|x}), \mathcal{L}_i\}$, based on data generating distribution

Informal Problem Definitions

  • The multi-task learning problem: Learn all of the tasks more quickly/proficiently than learning them independently.
    • Simply aggregating the data across tasks & learning a single model is one approach to multi-task learning
    • Transfer learning is a valid solution to multi-task learning (but not vice versa)
    • Exploit the fact that we know that data is coming from different tasks.
  • The meta-learning problem: Given data on previous tasks, learn a new task more quickly/proficiently