Seminar Series on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) #1] Dr. Jim Fan: Generalist Agents in Open-Ended Worlds
이 글은 필자가 231117 일에 들은 카이스트 안성진 교수님께서 주최하신 AGI 세미나를 듣고 필자 위주로 정리한 글입니다. 미래지향적인!! 굉장히 인상깊었던 세미나였습니다. 1년 중에 들은 세미나 중에 퀄리티가 굉장히 높은 매우 행복한 세미나였습니다.
Open-ended environment: How can we comba the world knowledge?
Foundation model for agents --> Issue: How can we ground into real-life?
We should pursue in language-manner. Because prompting and delivering the concept are both straightforward.
Philsosphical: Embodiment is the best to learn the world model (action ->simulate possible actions) For example, casuality and decision making
Operational: LLM are running out of high-quality tokens
I think abstraction would be the key. --> connect with neurosymbolic learning?
I think internal memory for active data collection/exploration
Representation learning from internet-scale videos
Pros: Dynamic perception; intuitive physics
Issue: Human-body embodiment, we cannot even get the actions
These are all work in multi-modal manner: Mixture of text, image, videos --> outputs action
How are we going to process random inputs can be problematic. --> Need to check whether this is already solved.
Future of the policy
Life-long / Continual learning
Hybrid gradient model; Bi-level model
Combine high-level (common) + Low-level (grounding)--> How can we realize low-level?
Combine foundation model (no gradient, complicated long-horizon, reasoning) + Grounding low-level control (that cannot be explain via language)
Neuro Symbolic AI (manipulate/compose symbols) is coming back.
Simulator is being important --> in order to simulate in new environment
Two things are important in simulator
Real-2-sim-2-real --> inverse graphics, neuro symbolics, simulator communicates via code.
Generating high-quality dataset
Relyin on human dataset (mimicGen) -editing the scene
Video synthesis using NerF
Community benefits: Twitter
Open-source idea
Community service
Take-aways (정말 주옥같은 이야기)
내가 생각하고 있는 길이 옳은 길이니 그 생각을 그대로 유지하되, 더 강화하고 구체화하는 시간을 가질 필요가 있다. 나는 이 분야에 비교적으로 신인이다보니, 시간을 더 쏟아야하는 부분은 당연하다.
Need to be ambitiuous as well as balanced. Balanced 부분이 아마 건강과 지속성 관련된 이야기같다.
Think 3-year, not the latter (plan->step->plan)
Solve (good vs. bad)--> Can we identify the question (better vs. just good). In particular, thinking what is valuable / and where are you going to apply your energy for, what can be taught, intrinsically, rejecting things are important)