
Misc) Paper writing tips

  • Research Q’s (Research Objectives, What are you trying to find out? What are we going to learn?)
  • Method: 
    • Value: clearly and concisiely (research highlight)
    • novelty: 아무도 안한거 하는거 (necessary but not sufficient)
  • Motivation
    • 있는 애들 —> 문제 —> naive approach —> sub -naive -wrong -my solution
      • - Experimental results should backup that 
      • - break down and [sub -naive -wrong -my solution]
    • Ultimate problem
    1. 전과 비교해서 Figure만들기
    2. General statement X (there are cases when it is false), conditioning on our statement -아니면 제거하기
    3. Storyline: 전 문제 ->how problem solved 
    4. Each class of work
    5. Figure for environment generalization
    6. SImplest solution —>왜 우리께 나은지
    7. Inputs that not change/change -single network? -transition network