온전히 제 이해를 위해 작성한 글입니다.
- TAMP: Task and motion planning - a sequence of low-level primitive planning
- Task Planning: 어떤 action을 취할지에 대한 plannning
- Motion Planning: 해당 action이 정해졌다면 어떤 motion을 이용할 것인지에 대한 Planning
해결 방안
- Pure Planning:
- Model based Simulation, Learning a planner: Carefully designed models + Planner
- Complete / Inefficient
- 종류
- Offline planning: optimal
- Online planning: MCTS
- Meta-planning: Learning to guide planning
- Use a relaxed problem representation as an input to a
planner neural network
- Use
planning Learning to solve the relaxed problem
- Use the output as a planning guidance
- → Geometric predicate로 정의 → State로 묶어서 → GNN
- Pure Learning
- Learning a policy ex. Deep RL algorithms
- Fast/Fragile(hard to apply on long term)/Data-hungry
- 종류
Pure online planning 모델 종류