Robotics & Perception/Basic

[CS391R] Introduction of Robot Learning

Course website

Types of robot automation

  • custom-built robots -> human expert programming -> Special-purpose behaviors
  • General-purpose robots -> Robot learning -> General-purpose behaviors

What is robot learning?

The study of methods and principles that make robots learn from data

-> Learning is critical for taking robots to the real world.

  1. Robot perception: seeing and understanding the physical world
    1. Multimodal understanding
      • 2D object detection
      • Attention architectures
      • 3D data processing
    2. Recursive state estimation
    3. Implicit neural representations
    4. Synthetic data for robot perception
    5. Self-supervised visual learning
    6. Interactive perception
  2. Robot decision making: Planning and control of robot behaviors
    1. Reinforcement learning
      • model-free RL
      • model-based RL
      • Inverse RL
    2. Imitation learning
      1. Adversarial IL
      2. Imitation as supervised learning
    3. Task and Motion planning
    4. Hierarchical policy & neural programming

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