Deep Specialization
Professor Andrew Ng
Course1 : Neural Networks and Deep Learning
(Week 1: Introduction to Deep Learning)
It was just a normal introduction of Deep Learning. If you don't enough time to watch, I recommend you to skip.
Week 2: Neural Networks Basics
In this week, you will be on the practical stand to start Neural Network in one training data.
Starting with Binary Classification, you will learn Logistic Regression(+ Cost function and Sigmoid function) and Gradient Descent(to adjust parameters). Also, you will learn just a simple concept of backpropagation(which is also related to adjusting parameters).
I was actually confused about the notion of m training data, which means there are m training sets, not one training data that consists of m training data.
Binary Classification: results
Logistic Regression
Cost function
Gradient Descent
(Back Propagation)
Handling one training data out of m training data
Week 3: Shallow Neural Networks
Dealing m training data
One hidden Layer
One unit of one hidden layer
Setting W(parameter)
Activation function
Sigmoid function
tan h(x)
Leaky ReLU
A calculation that comes from one hidden Layer
Week 4: Deep Neural Networks
Dealing with several hidden layers
Forward Propagation + Backward Propagation
Adjusting Parameters: dW, db, W, b
Hyperparameter와 Parameter